Sep 20, 2020
Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses (Part 2)
By: Carl Helmuth
Series: The Whole Counsel of God
Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses
6 Reasons We Should Not Obsess Over Miracles, Signs & Wonders Today
2. The primary purpose for most M,S&W has already been accomplished.
A primary reason God used ‘signs’ and wonders…
is to set apart a certain man as His representative,
in order to speak to the world THROUGH that representative.
God certified messengers for the purpose of revealing His message on earth
Four reasons I believe miracles, signs & wonders are rare today
1. The main purpose for them is completed.
- The revelation that they bore witness to is complete and so they are not necessary.
2. They were virtually all performed by apostles, and we have no apostles today.
3. There is no one who has “perfect” theology like the apostles, that God could certify today.
4. A miracle today would be done by God, not as a “sign”, but for some other reason only He knows.
- Sep 20, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses (Part 2)
Sep 20, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses (Part 2)By: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodExodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses6 Reasons We Should Not Obsess Over Miracles, Signs & Wonders Today2. The primary purpose for most M,S&W has already been accomplished.A primary reason God used ‘signs’ and wonders…is to set apart a certain man as His representative,in order to speak to the world THROUGH that representative.God certified messengers for the purpose of revealing His message on earthFour reasons I believe miracles, signs & wonders are rare today1. The main purpose for them is completed.- The revelation that they bore witness to is complete and so they are not necessary.2. They were virtually all performed by apostles, and we have no apostles today.3. There is no one who has “perfect” theology like the apostles, that God could certify today.4. A miracle today would be done by God, not as a “sign”, but for some other reason only He knows.
- Sep 13, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses
Sep 13, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm MosesBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodExodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses6 Reasons We Should Not Obsess Over Miracles, Signs & Wonders Today1. To obsess over M,S&W, diminishes the constant, providential supervision of God over all things.- God is at work ALL THE TIME!!!Miracle - God working outside of His creation laws.Providence - God working through His creation laws.Miracle- Confusing of languages- Parting of the Red Sea- Water from the RockProvidence- Daniel and the lions- Jonah and the fish- David & Goliath- Defeat of the Amalekites- Fish with coin in mouth- Amazing catch of fishMiracleWhile we are waiting and praying for a miracle from God…ProvidenceMay we not miss the daily……minute by minute……(super)natural working of God.
- Sep 6, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 3 The Burning Bush (Part 2)
Sep 6, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 3 The Burning Bush (Part 2)By: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodExodus 3 The Burning Bush“I AM”- Eternality of God- Immutability of God- Aseity of GodEternality - The God who existsHe is from everlasting to everlasting.He has no beginning or no end.His nature and attributes are eternal.His purposes are eternal.His kingdom and reign will never end.Life and death are in His control.All sin is cosmic treason against an infinite being.Death must submit to the eternal “I AM”.Christ intercedes for His people eternally.We can trust Him for the future because He is there.Being conformed to His image means eternal life.Our lives now can have an eternal purpose.The eternal nature of God is what makes our present suffering worthwhile.Immutability - The God who never changesThomas Watson“In God there is nothing which can change, for better or worse.He cannot change for the better—because then he would not now be perfect.He cannot change for the worse—for then he would cease to be perfect.He is immutably holy, immutably good; there is no shadow of change in him”Augustine“Whatsoever is changed from the better for the worse, and from the worse for the better, is not God, because perfect virtue can neither change for the better, nor true eternity for the worse”God cannot change His word, therefore it is always fresh and trustworthy.God cannot add to His knowledge, therefore He is perfectly all-knowing.God cannot react to circumstances or change His plans, therefore His purposes stands forever.God’s character or nature can never change, therefore His _______ will remain forever.He is forever the unchanging and unshakeable TRUTH, therefore His promises can never fail.Aseity – The Self-existing GodHe alone is dependent on nothing or no one.He is self-sufficient and self-sustainingHis existence is not derived from or contingent on another thing or being.Within Himself, He is perfectly whole, complete, satisfied and without any need of any kind.He is self-divine. - His deity is derived from no other power.He is self-wise. - There is none who could ever instruct Him.He is self-virtuous. - He received His goodness from no one.He is self-attesting. - He alone is the source of truth.He is self-justifying. - He is perfectly just within Himself.He is self-empowering. - He derives power from no source.He is self-excellent. - If any being were more excellent, that being would be God.Not only is He independent and self-sufficient, but all else is dependent on Him.From Him, through Him, and to Him are all things.Nothing exists that He did not create and everything is sustained by Him.
- Aug 30, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 3 The Burning Bush
Aug 30, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 3 The Burning BushBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodExodus 3 The Burning BushYHWH- tetragrammaton (four letters)- YahwehThe primary reason God rescues men from the kingdom of darkness and brings them into the kingdom of His beloved Son, is so they are free to WORSHIP Him.
- Aug 23, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 2 Out of Egypt
Aug 23, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 2 Out of EgyptBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodExodus 2 - Out of EgyptSlavery – Slavery to sinServing a Cruel Master – Captives of SatanUnder Judgement – God is a just GodThe Passover – Escape through judgementThe Crossing – Escape from enemy of deathMount Sinai – The giving of the Spirit/wordWilderness – Perfecting God’s peoplePromised Land – Saved to eternal life
- Aug 9, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 2 God Sends a Deliverer
Aug 9, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 2 God Sends a DelivererBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodThe Whole Counsel of God – God Sends a DelivererExodus 2:11-22God Prepares His People For ServiceGod’s School of Discipleship1. God prepares by providence- people, places, personality, abilities, situation2. God prepares by teaching- we are to learn to know Him through His word3. God prepares by subtraction- He removes the world and kills off our ‘self’4. God prepares by regeneration- The Spirit changes our hearts
- Aug 2, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 2 God Sends a Deliverer
Aug 2, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 2 God Sends a DelivererBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodThe Whole Counsel of God – God Sends a DelivererExodus 2:1-10To Strengthen the Faith of God’s People1. Our faith and love for Jesus Christ- Moses is a type of Christ2. God has a plan and moves all the pieces on the earth to accomplish that plan3. God WILL save His people- He sends a savior at just the right time4. God’s main purpose is His own glory
- Jul 26, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 1 The Enemy Strikes
Jul 26, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 1 The Enemy StrikesBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodThe Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 1 The Enemy StrikesExodus 1:1-22The Church MilitantThe Church Triumphant- The more God’s people are oppressed, the more that oppression strengthens them, and also works against their oppressors- This is true for the Church and individuals- Just as gold is purified by fire, so are we purified by trials- All things do work for OUR GOOD and HIS GLORY- For this reason we are to endure patientlySatan’s two tactics:- Overtly oppose God’s people- Covertly deceive God’s people- When Israel is overtly opposed by the enemy, they triumph and are blessed- When Israel is covertly deceived by the enemy, they are judged harshly by GodWe believe the Bible teaches us to submit to human governments......Until obeying them would mean disobeying GodHowever...We should be wise (shrewd) as serpents and innocent as doves.1. Know your tendencies and lean against them.2. Know to which way you want to err and lean that way.3. Don’t expect anyone else to lead you.4. Don’t assume man’s motives and the devil’s motives are the same.5. Trust God’s word, not your feelings.
- Feb 16, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph As A Foreshadow Of Christ
Feb 16, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph As A Foreshadow Of ChristBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodJoseph As A Foreshadow Of ChristThe Three Components of FaithKnowledge (Know Truth)Belief (Believe Truth)Trust (Obey Truth)
- Feb 9, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – God’s Providence in Joseph’s Life
Feb 9, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – God’s Providence in Joseph’s LifeBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodGod's Providence in Joseph's LifeJoseph’s View of God’s Sovereignty And How It Impacted HimIt caused him to forgive his brothersIt gave him strength to persevere in trialsIt transformed him and his brothersIt caused him to be humbleIt kept him humble while being bold and courageousIt glorified God
- Feb 2, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – God’s Providence in Joseph’s Life
Feb 2, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – God’s Providence in Joseph’s LifeBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodGod's Providence in Joseph's LifeGenesis 45 & 50
- Jan 26, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph Reveals
Jan 26, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph RevealsBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodJoseph RevealsGenesis 44-45
- Jan 19, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph Tests His Brothers
Jan 19, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph Tests His BrothersBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodJoseph Tests His BrothersGenesis 43
- The Test of Truth
- The Test of Hardship and Suffering
- The Test of Conviction of Sin
- The Test of Greatest Love
- The Test of Grace
- The Test of Personal Grace
- Jan 12, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph Tests His Brothers
Jan 12, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph Tests His BrothersBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodJoseph Tests His BrothersGenesis 42
- Dec 15, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph’s Rise To Power
Dec 15, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph’s Rise To PowerBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodDescriptive texts vs. Prescriptive texts“Don’t make the narrative a normative”A God Who Speaks
- God’s revelation has two parts - revelation and interpretation/application
- God gives revelation to reveal Himself
- God gives revelation to bring about faith
- God gives revelation so we know our dependence
- God gives revelation so we will act upon it
- God gives revelation so we can prepare for upcoming transitions
- God gives revelation and then asks His people to be stewards of that message
- Dec 8, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph’s Rise To Power
Dec 8, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph’s Rise To PowerBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodDescriptive texts vs. Prescriptive texts“Don’t make the narrative a normative”A God Who Speaks
- God’s revelation has two parts - revelation and interpretation/application
- Dec 1, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph’s Character
Dec 1, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph’s CharacterBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodThe Whole Counsel of God – Joseph's Character
- The Blessings of God
- Trials & Temptations
Is God’s Blessing on Joseph for Us?- Joseph was a type of Christ - so God blesses Joseph like He blesses Christ - but God has also blessed us “in Christ” - we receive “trickle-down” blessing from Christ
- It is to be received by faith
- It is seen primarily through our salvation
- It is all for the praise of His glory
- Nov 24, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph’s Character
Nov 24, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph’s CharacterBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodThe Whole Counsel of God – Joseph's Character
- Nov 17, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph’s Dreams
Nov 17, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Joseph’s DreamsBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodThe Whole Counsel of God – Joseph's DreamsJoseph Interprets Romans 8:28
- Joseph was on God’s side (not that God was on his side)
- Joseph understood that “good” means “my eternal good” (earthly life has hardships)
- Joseph understood that “good” means having the good character of Jesus Christ
- Joseph understood that God works through our work
- Jul 14, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Israel’s Sons
Jul 14, 2019Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Israel’s SonsBy: Carl HelmuthSeries: The Whole Counsel of GodA Journey Through the Old Testament - Israel's SonsThe 12 Tribes of IsraelGod’s Five Purposes for Israel
- To bring His Savior into the world - The Church now is the dwelling place of the Savior
- To bring His Word/scriptures into the world - We now steward the message of God to the world
- To be His mediators to the world - We are a mediator between God and the world
- To be a Kingdom under the rule of God Almighty - We live as a people under the rule of the King
- To be a demonstration of a people who live by faith - We demonstrate to the world a life lived by faith